Simple: To voice our discontent for our nemesis, Wayne Fontes, head coach of the Detroit Lions.
Get Rid Of Wayne club was started by WDFN
Sports anchors Gregg Henson and Art Reggner last year after the Lions got off to an
abysmal 3-6 start. Two factions soon branched out of it-Get Rid Of Wayne
Now (GROWN) and Get Rid Of Wayne Later (GROWL). When the Lions recovered,
and won their last seven games of the season, the club faded into oblivion…or
so it seemed. Now, after the Lions are off to another mediocre start, and
on the outside of the playoff race, GROWN has become the Lions fans only
Number of years Fontes has had to turn Lions into contender: 9 (longest reign in NFC).
Wayne Fontes' record as coach of Detroit: 67-69
Lions' best finish in Fontes' era: 1991 NFC Championship Game, losing to the Washington Redskins 41-10 in a laugher.
Lions' record the following year: 5-11
Lions playoff results over last two years:
1994-95: Lost to Green Bay, 16-12 in wild-card game.
1995-96: Lost to Philadelphia, 58-37 in wild-card game.
Other Information
Special: Top Ten Good Things About Lions Not Making the Playoffs This Year
Last week's Top Ten List: Top ten reasons Fontes pulled Mitchell when he did!
These pages have linked to G.R.O.W.N. and should be visited!!!
This text was read on WDFN, Detroit's all-sports radio station on Tuesday October 29 at 4:11 pm eastern time.
Read Detroit Free Press columnist Mitch Albom's condemnation of Fontes
Read Detroit News' and WDFN's Bob Wojnowski's condemnation of Fontes
Sportszone Members: Read columnist Charlie Vincent's condemnation of Fontes.
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G.R.O.W.N. has been visited
times since the grand opening on October 29, 1996... thanks for your support!!!